October 20, 2011

WebMath - Solve Your Math Problem

Webmath is a math-help web site that generates answers to specific math questions and problems, as entered by a user, at any particular moment. The math answers are generated and displayed real-time, at the moment a web user types in their math problem and clicks "solve." In addition to the answers, Webmath also shows the student how to arrive at the answer.

via www.webmath.com

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

August 07, 2006

Say Goodbye

Say goodbye to the Think Tank. The new Mabry Admin blog information will be shared with you today in your meetings.

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

August 04, 2006

SIP Development for 2006 - 2007

Judy Jones presented this information to all principals yesterday and today. The presentation covers the expectations for the development of the SIP. Things have changed a bit. We are no longer using the NSSE format. SACs need to be familiar with this content. We will go over it in more detail in preplanning. We will then go over Mabry's data for the last several years when that CD arrives (from Judy Jones) on Monday or Tuesday.

SACs will be very involved with our ALTs in the development of this year's SIP. Click the thumbnail below to launch the presentation.

Sip Development.001

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

ALTs Assigned to Mabry

Mabry has been assigned Ursula Christie, Kelly Luscre, and Jonathan Tanner as our ALTs. This gives us the opportunity to have a strong vertical team! Ursula and Kelly have an elementary school background and Jonathan has a high school background. We look forward to their working with us at Mabry.

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

As Summer Comes to an End

I'm looking forward to another wonderful year at Mabry! We are bringing some great teachers back to our school family and welcoming some new arrivals! I will post the current version of next weeks pre-planning agenda this weekend. The early birds can download a copy.

I look forward to seeing you Monday morning at 8:30AM! The building will close and be secured each day at 5:00PM. Remember we only have 2 custodians now! (And if you mess up Ruth's floors dragging things over them... o dear god!)

And one final announcement in this post: The Think Tank is moving. You will get its new address and log in information when you return.

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

August 02, 2006

The 2006 - 2007 Staff Roster (at present)

Click to download the staff roster.
School Staff 06 2006-2007

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

No Zero Policy

We will have a grade level discussion of the No Zero Policy at Mabry during the first few days of pre-planning. Before school starts we will adopt our policy for this year. The policy can vary by grade level. The policy can vary in time: one policy to start the year, another policy after the first 9 weeks.

I know we had a great deal of discussion about this at the beginning of the year last year. To begin the converstation: I am comfortable with any of these options:

  • We decide to not have a No Zero Policy at all. Teachers return to their own reasonable grading policy as approved by the administration.
  • We have students turn in the missing work the next school day for half credit. If they fail to turn it in, they get a zero.
  • We have a 3 week "warmup" period, and then, for the remaining 6 weeks of the 9 week grading period, we keep students from PE/Connections until their work is done that day.


  • A grade level must come to consensus on whether or not students will be pulled from PE/Connections. To avoid creating confusion with the PE/Connections teachers, one teacher can not decide to do this nor can a group of teachers decide they will do it on a sporadic basis (for example: just for this assignment).
  • Sixth grade teachers may not pull students from PE/Connections during the first 3 weeks of school while Band and Orchestra recruit students.
  • We will not pull students from PE/Connections after the first 9 weeks.

An interesting professional link from a professional organization about this topic sent to me from a Mabry teacher: Click Here

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

White Boards

The following list of teachers are scheduled to have an interactive white board installed in your room at some time in the future. The list also includes teachers who have an existing interactive white board in your room. The new boards are presently in the building and the electrical crews have begun work. I have no projected timeline for completion of the installation process for the new boards. If you do not want one of these boards and will not use it frequently, please let me know immediately, and we will move you to a different room.

8th New

8th Existing Boards
Vacant (Science)

7th New

7th Existing Boards

6th New

6th Existing Board

Graber/Tartaro (Health)

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

Mrs. Hartnett is Excited

Since some of our new teachers do not have thei email up yet, I'll share this:

Hi guys,
Just found out that CNN is interviewing my dad, Fernando Sanchez, this afternoon in regards to what's happening in Cuba/Castro these last few days. My dad was a prisoner of war for 2 years after being captured with other fighters in the Bay of Pigs. It will be airing(edited version) tomorrow. They were thrilled to find an English-speaking, intelligent, and focused 80 year old Cuban American!

Just thought I'd share!

A VERY proud daughter!


Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

From The DOE Via The Superintendent

Principals: This message is from DOE regarding gift cards.

Dear Superintendent: It has been brought to my attention that some teachers are trying to activate their gift cards prior to tomorrow's planned start date.

Please ask your principals to get word to their teachers that the cards will automatically be activated at 12 a.m. on August 3, and then de-activated at 11:59 p.m. on August 6 (when the tax free days are over). No action is required in order for teachers to begin using their gift cards tomorrow. Instructions should have been included with each card.

Shame, shame, shame!

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

Thanks for Sharing

Many of you frequently share articles, books, links, etc. with me. Every time you do this, you help me grow professionally in our Mabry community of learners. I just posted this to my blog for parents and students as a result a recent suggested read. You may also find it of interest.


Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

August 01, 2006

Special Emphasis from the Superintendent

PAI will focus on these areas of emphasis this year:

Pai Special Emphasis Item Sy06-07

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

Welcome SACs and New Teachers

This post was written so you can check to see your RSS feed working.

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

July 31, 2006

Important Info from the Superintendent

Please read carefully. Talk with Amy if you have questions. This will keep you from losing your money.

Change in Cafeteria Fastlane Adult and Teacher ID.doc

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

July 28, 2006

8th Grade Writing Performance Level Descriptors

Today I received these 8th Grade Writing Performance Level Descriptors from Curriculum and Instruction. These are not just for our 8th grade Language Arts teachers. Every teacher at Mabry should be familiar with these.

Grade 8 Writing PLD.doc

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

8th Grade Writing Performance Level Descriptors

Today I received these 8th Grade Writing Performance Level Descriptors from Curriculum and Instruction. These are not just for our 8th grade Language Arts teachers. Every teacher at Mabry should be familiar with these.

Grade 8 Writing PLD.doc

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

Middle School Professional Learning on August 9th

Here is the latest schedule for Professional Learning for Middle School teachers on August 9th. Be sure to attend the inservice for your area.

August 9th MS.doc

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

July 27, 2006

Update Staff Bios

OK...Now's the time. If you want to update your staff bio, get me that info ASAP. Once it falls off my radar, it's gone until next year.

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

From One of Our New Assistant Superintendents...

One important note I neglected to mention but need for you to do so with your staff upon their arrival. Please remind all to make sure we identify ourselves at all times during the school day while on school campuses by wearing the system picture ID. It is appreciated and important. Thanks.

Gordon Pritz

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink

Laptop Security

An Important Reminder: If your school teacher laptop is stolen from your classroom and your classroom was not locked, or your laptop was not properly secured in that room, you are personally financially responsible for the cost of the laptop.

Please keep your laptops secured at all times!

PS: Thank you Mrs. Glenn for the spelling tip!

Posted by Wendy Pettett | Permalink